Hi! Do you ever feel like life is unfair, cruel, difficult, and/or meaningless? Do you wish you could be happy or that your life was better? If yes, then let me ask you something, are you willing to be vulnerable and allow me to guide you through your darkest moments?
The path to healing and learning to live day by day with mental health issues is extremely difficult and long. You will need to put in a lot of time and effort. However, you will not be alone in this journey. I will work by your side to help you navigate through your past and current life experiences.
¡Hola! ¿Alguna vez has sentido que la vida es injusta, cruel, o difícil? ¿Desearías poder ser feliz o tener una vida mejor? ¿Estariás dispuesto a ser vulnerable y dejar que te guíe en tus momentos mas oscuros? El camino para sanar y vivir un día a la vez es duro y largo. Tendrás que dedicar mucho tiempo y esfuerzo. Sin embargo, no estarás solo, te ayudaré.